Category: WordPress

How to Create Admin Notice On Plugin Activation


Adding admin notice on plugin activation can be super useful. For example we can:

  • Add link to the settings page,
  • Giving info about minimum requirement of their server,
  • Tutorial links,
  • Promote pro version of our plugin,
  • Ask the user to rate our plugin,
  • Ask donation,
  • Or simply telling them that they are awesome.

If you ever try to create an “Admin Notice” on plugin activation. You’ll know that using admin_notices action inside your “activation hook function” will not work. But there’s a workaround for that. Read More How to Create Admin Notice On Plugin Activation

How to Add Settings Section in WordPress Default Settings


It’s very easy to create settings page in WordPress. But sometimes in our plugin we only need a single/few options. And creating dedicated settings page just for this option is overkill.

That’s what I think when I write “f(x) Private Site” Plugin yesterday. You can download the plugin for a full code example:

When it make sense, we can add settings to WordPress default settings page such as “General Settings”, Writing Settings”, “Reading Settings”, etc. And this is how to do that. Read More How to Add Settings Section in WordPress Default Settings

Validation in WordPress Dashboard Widget API


WordPress Dashboard Widget API is my favorite API in WordPress and sometimes dashboard is my preferred admin page to add simple settings in client site. It’s the screen they will see when they logged in. Why not use it more?

In this post I want to share a little about how to properly save the dashboard meta box “Configuration” with the build in nonce validation.

I read a lot of tutorial but no mention about this, I don’t even find any reference in Codex page. Read More Validation in WordPress Dashboard Widget API

Responsive Image In WordPress 4.4 (Testing, Thoughts, etc)

Let the browser decide which image size to display !

So, I did some test for WordPress 4.4 beta3 new feature: Responsive Images. And it will make your content retina ready automatically! Awesome.

Not only that, it will also serve smaller image to low res device and it will make your site load faster to the less capable mobile device. Read More Responsive Image In WordPress 4.4 (Testing, Thoughts, etc)

How to Create Sortable Checkboxes Option in Customizer


WordPress Customizer is a very powerful. Not only because we have a live preview, but also because it got a lot of build-in input type. And we can also extend it or create our own reuse-able input type.

This is not a full tutorial but only explaining the concept, but you can check the full working code here:

This is a useful control, we can use it for various settings for example:

  • Reorder element, such as header, navigation menu, thumbnail, excerpt, etc.
  • Sharing buttons.
  • etc..

Read More How to Create Sortable Checkboxes Option in Customizer

How To Disable Theme Update Check is not very good (read: evil) organization. They collect data without user consent, they are not transparent in what data they collecting, and they make it hard to disable this.

For example: There’s no easy way to exclude custom theme for update check. WordPress have filters for everything, but they don’t have this filterable. Maybe they want to monopolize theme market (maybe they are trying to say: you want to create theme? you need to use theme repository).

The only way to disable theme update check to repository is using this code (well, it’s pretty much a hack): Read More How To Disable Theme Update Check

Building a Starter Theme

I love using Hybrid Core Framework, I use it in all my themes, I don’t even know how to build a theme without it. Currently Justin is working on the Version 3 of the Framework and it’s offer a lot of improvement and features.

I want to create my own.
nokonokoHybrid Core is modular and extendable so I can use only the features I need and bend it as I see fit, but I want to create my own framework so I can have full control of the features and code. For my themes I created “Tamatebako“, a Hybrid Core sidekick to build theme faster by setting the defaults. Now I want to experiment and make Tamatebako as a standalone framework.

The focus is a little different than Hybrid Core. Instead of building new awesome features, the focus is for faster theme development. I might failed and switch back to Hybrid Core, but I think it’s going to be a good opportunity to dive in and re-learn about theme development.

I haven’t even done porting main framework features (still a mess), but you can follow the development here.