Category: Web Dev Log

How to add “Next Page”/ “Page Break” button in WordPress Editor

In WordPress we can separate post/pages using <!--nextpage-->. It’s hard to remember the tag, and you need to add it using “Text” editor, not visual editor. This is  how you can add “Next Page” or “Page Break” button in Visual Editor, Just like this:


It’s very simple, you can add this code in your theme/child theme functions.php or add it in a functionality plugin. Read More How to add “Next Page”/ “Page Break” button in WordPress Editor

I can zoom and scroll horizontally a lot easier on mobile browser than using regular desktop browser. Why do they make it all one column? Where is the sidebar with all the useful links, popular posts, latest comments, etc. Why something as important as sidebar have to be at the bottom of the page when i can just use my thumb to slide and access the sidebar?

Do your user/visitor really need one column fluid layout responsive design? Do you?

Better Responsive Design with `wp_is_mobile`, Why Responsive Design is Not Enough

What is wp_is_mobile ?

wp_is_mobile is a WordPress function to detect user/visitor browser using user agent string. Some might think that this method is like prehistoric era. An era before we have responsive design. Web developer use user agent string to serve different website content to mobile user or redirect to mobile site, something like

So why WordPress, a CMS of the future have this function? Why WordPress still need this and use this function all across admin pages?

What Responsive Design Cannot Do

Responsive design is awesome, we can style based on browser width so the design can be useful and better for user using any device.

But there’s one problem…

Read More Better Responsive Design with `wp_is_mobile`, Why Responsive Design is Not Enough

Having fun while designing WordPress theme with dual monitor and live.js

EEEPC 1025CE Dual Monitor
EEEPC 1025CE Dual Monitor

I never thought that dual monitor will be very productive and fun. I don’t even open several windows in my monitor because it’s too distracting. I always open each window in full screen.  But not anymore with live.js and dual monitor.  It’s really fun ! Read More Having fun while designing WordPress theme with dual monitor and live.js

Tungdo did something interesting.

But I’m not interested. It was like building bbpress theme, or buddypress theme.

I think it’s something wp core need to do. If use to steal post format from tumblr. They should do it again for better admin UI. (And they are doing it right now)

However admin theme plugin (alpha) by Justin is awesome. (Didn’t know it was so simple)

From Development to Deployment, My WordPress Dev Workflow

It’s not always easy to develop a WordPress site. Specially a complex site. I have switching and changing my workflow. Each and every site is unique and not every workflow is suitable for every case. I always try to get things done as soon as possible. Not because i have to, or because i’m a productivity nuts. But i lose focus very easily, specially when i develop my own site.

Right now i i use a very simple workflow to develop WordPress site, WordPress Theme, or Plugin. This is step by step what i did. Read More From Development to Deployment, My WordPress Dev Workflow

Disable Sidebar and Widget Without Plugin

Sometime we need to disable sidebar / widget area conditionally, The most popular option is to use Widget Logic Plugin, or you can try my plugin: Atomic Widget (update: no longer available). But if you prefer manual way, maybe for client site where you don’t want to confuse them with extra settings in widget you can do this easily with this code. Read More Disable Sidebar and Widget Without Plugin

Dynamic Widget Class for WordPress Sidebar Widgets

WordPress sidebar widget is Awesome. But unlike post class and body class, the widget do not have dynamic class name. For example you need to apply a certain style to every second widget in your sidebar, or to give no padding/margin to last widget in footer sidebar. There’s another alternative using css, to target first, last, or order of elements using nth-child, but i think this solution is simpler and better. Read More Dynamic Widget Class for WordPress Sidebar Widgets