Sorry for all the late emails, I’ll try to reply to all today.
Thank you for all friends and families who helps and visits 🙂 I love you all.
So this is what happen:
Last week, Sunday, 28 May 2017, I was out for a lunch using my motor bike, stop at red light (just as usual) and somehow woke up at the hospital emergency room. I don’t even remember anything at all.
I’ll probably update this post with more info 🙂
Get well soon Bro
thank you!
Hit by a truck. Wow.
Hope you’ll feel better sooner than later.
Thank you Tung Do!
gan emangnya dia knpa kcelakaan atau apa nih masih rancu
oh bgitu ya smoga lekas sembu
How do you feel now? better?
Wish you the best workmate.