Share Button, Sidebar, Sticky Float WordPress Plugin with JQuery
<?php /** * Plugin Name: SC DEMO | Floating * Plugin URI: * Description: Floating sidebar for Genbu Theme * Version: 0.1 * Author: David Chandra Purnama * Author URI: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * You may NOT assume that you can use any other version of the GPL. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * @version 0.1 * @author David Chandra Purnama <[email protected]> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012, David Chandra Purnama * @license */ add_action('wp_footer','genbu_floating_sidebar_settings',99); function genbu_floating_sidebar_settings(){ $page = get_query_var('page'); if( is_single('471') && $page == "" ){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { /** * Sidebar 3 */ if ( $('.layout-480 #sidebar-3 .widget').length > 0 ) { // make sure element exists var elS3 = $('.layout-480 #sidebar-3 .widget'); var stickyTopS3 = $('.layout-480 #sidebar-3 .widget').offset().top; // returns number var footerTopS3 = $('#footer-menu').offset().top; // returns number var stickyHeightS3 = $('.layout-480 #sidebar-3 .widget').height(); var limitS3 = footerTopS3 - stickyHeightS3 - 130; function stickyS3(){ // scroll event var windowTopS3 = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number if ( stickyTopS3 < windowTopS3 ){ elS3.css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0 }); elS3.css('margin-top','5px'); elS3.addClass( "sidebar-3-sticky" ).removeClass( "sidebar-3-no-sticky" ); } else { elS3.css({ position: 'absolute', top: 'auto' }); elS3.css('margin-top','0'); elS3.removeClass( "sidebar-3-sticky" ).addClass( "sidebar-3-no-sticky" ); } if ( limitS3 < windowTopS3 ) { var diffS3 = limitS3 - windowTopS3; elS3.css({top: diffS3}); } }; $(window).scroll(stickyS3); } /** * Sidebar 4 */ if ( $('#sidebar-1').length > 0 ) { // make sure element exists var elS4 = $('#sidebar-1'); var stickyTopS4 = $('#sidebar-1').offset().top; // returns number var footerTopS4 = $('#footer-menu').offset().top; // returns number var stickyHeightS4 = $('#sidebar-1').height(); var limitS4 = footerTopS4 - stickyHeightS4 - 130; function stickyS4(){ // scroll event var windowTopS4 = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number if ( stickyTopS4 < windowTopS4 ){ elS4.css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0 }); elS4.css('margin-top','5px'); elS4.css('background','transparent'); elS4.css('width','300px'); $('#sidebar-1').css('margin-top','5px'); } else { elS4.css({ position: 'relative', top: 'auto' }); elS4.css('margin-top','0'); elS4.css('background','#fff'); $('#sidebar-1').css('margin-top','0'); } if ( limitS4 < windowTopS4 ) { var diffS4 = limitS4 - windowTopS4; elS4.css({top: diffS4}); } }; $(window).scroll(stickyS4); } /** * Share Button */ if ( $('#singular-header .social-share').length > 0 ) { // make sure element exists var elSR = $('#singular-header .social-share'); var stickyTopSR = $('#singular-header .social-share').offset().top; // returns number var footerTopSR = $('#footer-menu').offset().top; // returns number var stickyHeightSR = $('#singular-header .social-share').height(); var limitSR = footerTopSR - stickyHeightSR - 130; function stickySR(){ // scroll event var windowTopSR = $(window).scrollTop(); // returns number if ( stickyTopSR < windowTopSR ){ elSR.css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0 }); elSR.css('margin-top','0'); elSR.css('border-bottom','1px solid #ccc'); elSR.css('width','480px'); elSR.css('z-index','10'); elSR.css('background','#caebc8'); } else { elSR.css({ position: 'relative', top: 'auto' }); elSR.css('border-bottom','none'); elSR.css('margin-top','0'); elSR.css('z-index','10'); elSR.css('background','#fff'); } if ( limitSR < windowTopSR ) { var diffSR = limitSR - windowTopSR; elSR.css({top: diffSR}); } }; $(window).scroll(stickySR); } }); </script> <?php } }
of course the code above is not the best way to load. I recomend you to create a js file and load it in footer with wp_enqueue_script
, and add jQuery as dependency. For example:
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts','my_sticky_float'); function my_sticky_float(){ wp_enqueue_script( 'my-sticky', trailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__) ) . 'js/my-sticky.js', array( 'jquery',) ,'0.2.0-20121104', true ); }
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I been looking for a plugin that creates the floating sidebars but i couldn’t find any out there. I ran across your article and I’m confused where you would put that snippet of code in your wordpress theme?
Would I copy and paste it in the functions.php or the index.php?
Thank you in advance.
it’s just an example code i use for this page,
the code really depends on your site design.
you can add the code from theme function.php or custom plugin, but not in your index.php