I’m not actually a fan of themes with tons of design options. I think as a designer, it’s our job to design theme.
However, it’s not always a bad idea to let user express their creativity.
Last weekend, I create another theme. Nevertheless, a simple one with classic design. And this time I create several color options for it. Usually I prefer “refresh” transport method for my themes, because it’s works, easier to code (and maintain in the future). But because this is a simple theme, I get it done relatively quickly. So I decide to “play” and use “postMessage” transport method for the color options.
There are problems I found when implementing this, and I want to share my solution.
Here’s the theme, you can download and check the source code:
Well, there was a time when I need to remove admin color scheme option. And this how I do that.
I was building a complex site with several user role, and to make it easier to know which user role I use to login, I set each user role to use different admin color scheme and disable admin color option in profile edit.
It’s actually pretty simple. And I will also explain the coding process, how to learn to code something in WordPress. (I’m sure it’s pretty useful trick if you wants to learn to code/problem solving in WP).Read MoreHow To Remove WordPress Admin Color Scheme Option
That was actually a question by a fellow WordPress designer/developer when he realized his code didn’t work (I’ll explain the problem below).
It’s actually a simple mistake and can be avoided if we use “refresh” transport method when creating customizer option. But I do understand that “postMessage” transport method is better (but needed more code).
Adding admin notice on plugin activation can be super useful. For example we can:
Add link to the settings page,
Giving info about minimum requirement of their server,
Tutorial links,
Promote pro version of our plugin,
Ask the user to rate our plugin,
Ask donation,
Or simply telling them that they are awesome.
If you ever try to create an “Admin Notice” on plugin activation. You’ll know that using admin_notices action inside your “activation hook function” will not work. But there’s a workaround for that.Read MoreHow to Create Admin Notice On Plugin Activation
It’s very easy to create settings page in WordPress. But sometimes in our plugin we only need a single/few options. And creating dedicated settings page just for this option is overkill.
That’s what I think when I write “f(x) Private Site” Plugin yesterday. You can download the plugin for a full code example:
If you build a plugin that require template modification, it might be a good idea to bundle an example theme in your plugin. And here’s how to do it.Read MoreHow to Bundle Theme(s) in a Plugin
WordPress Dashboard Widget API is my favorite API in WordPress and sometimes dashboard is my preferred admin page to add simple settings in client site. It’s the screen they will see when they logged in. Why not use it more?
In this post I want to share a little about how to properly save the dashboard meta box “Configuration” with the build in nonce validation.
So, last month I bought a new laptop. I actually bought two laptop. The first one is an Acer laptop. Use it for a week, not very happy with it. So I bought Asus.
I spent several days to set up and install the laptops. I think it’s a good idea to documented it here.
I hope this post will be useful for folks who want to do web development in windows.