Author: David

I'm David, web designer/developer specializing in building functional websites using WordPress. I have strong skills in theme development using Hybrid Core framework and plugin development. It's okay if you want to hire me.

Responsive Fixed Width Sidebar: Why and How?


In responsive design, usually we use percentage width for sidebar and content width. It’s easy to do. For example 60% content with 40% sidebar. So both Content and Sidebar width will scale using this ratio.

This approach is widely use, but I don’t personally like it. I prefer to have a fixed width sidebar, like this:


Implementing fixed width sidebar in responsive design is actually possible (even though it’s  a little tricky).

In this post I will cover both 2 column and 3 column layout with full example.

Note: I’m not using JS to create the layout, And I also did not use calc() CSS because a lot of browser don’t support this yet.

But why use fixed width sidebar?

Here are several reasons why we might want fixed width sidebar: Read More Responsive Fixed Width Sidebar: Why and How?

What Features To Build in Premium WordPress Theme

There are 3800+ Free WordPress theme available in Theme Repository. Premium theme business is hard because there are tons of free options available.

Of course, to make a user spend $50 for a theme is not easy just by “pretty design”. Theme need to set it self apart from the “free” version so this upgrade worth the money.

Here are several features usually added in Premium version of a theme (other than pretty design + support): Read More What Features To Build in Premium WordPress Theme

List of Popular Plugin for Theme Developer

Not all plugins works well out of the box. Some plugin require a theme support, from simple CSS tweak to template files modification.

As a theme developer, it’s hard to choose which plugins I should support in my theme. It takes time to do this, and theme developer also need to “watch” these plugins to make sure all is working well for latest version of each plugins.

Popular plugin such as WooCommerce also have large user base, and it can increase theme popularity. So, without further ado, here is the list. Read More List of Popular Plugin for Theme Developer

Short Korean Drama Series For Your Precious Time

I watch a lot of Korean Drama. Probably around 50+ titles so far. It’s my guilty pleasure.

I watched several US series like “Friends”, “How I Met Your Mother”, “Big Bang Theory” and all was fun only in first couples season. If the series is popular they will keep it going until it turn bad and no one enjoy it. They will end the series with a bad after taste (most of the time).

I prefer Korean Drama because usually only contain one season and that’s only 12-20 episode. But series in this list is even shorter. Only max 3 episodes.

Read More Short Korean Drama Series For Your Precious Time

I think WordPress plugin review team decision to no longer accept framework is wrong. And this is why.


Recently WordPress plugin review team write a reminder post “Please do not submit frameworks” (Ipstenu/Mika Epstein).

And the reason is:

We require that plugins be useful in and of themselves (even if only being a portal to an external service). And while there are many benefits to frameworks and libraries, without plugin dependency support in core or the directory, it becomes another level of hassle for users.

In a comment, Darrin, who had a framework plugin (Advanced Term Fields) submitted and approved last month asked:

Are you saying the best way to handle this scenario is to include the parent framework in each child plugin, as opposed to alerting the user that “This plugin requires XXX plugin in order to function properly”?

And Mika answered:

Currently, yes. That would have been the best way.

I don’t really agree with this.
I think it should go to the opposite direction. And this is why. Read More I think WordPress plugin review team decision to no longer accept framework is wrong. And this is why.

How to Install Font Only In Photoshop CC


This is a quick guide to install font only for Photoshop CC (not windows).

I was updating one of my theme Chelonian and I copy-paste CSS from another theme. Chelonian is using Dashicons and the other theme is using Genericons. So I accidentally use genericons CSS in my style.css instead of using dashicons for calendar icon. Read More How to Install Font Only In Photoshop CC